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Joneet Frenchfry

Joneet Frenchfry

Joneet Eliza Frenchfry, age 34, of Salina, Kansas, passed away on [death_date] at [place_of_death_name] in Salina, KS.

He was the spouse of [spouse_name], with whom he shared [...] years of marriage.

Born in Salina, KS he was a [...] of Frank Sinak and [mother_first_name] [mother_maiden_name] Sinak of [...].

Joneet graduated from [...] in [...] and earned his...

Jonathan Fresca

Jonathan Fresca

Obituary of Jonathan [decedent_middle_name] Fresca Salina, KS--Jonathan Fresca, [age], passed away [death_date] at [place_of_death_name]. Jonathan was born on [birth_date] in [city_of_birth], [state_of_birth], the [decedent_relationship_to_parent] of [father_full_name] and [mother_first_name] ([mother_maiden_name]).He married [spouse_first_name] [spouse_maiden_name] on [wedding_date] at [wedding_location]. Jonathan was a [decedent_occupation] at PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT.He is survived by:his [spouse_with_relationship_and_years] his children, [children_list_w_spouse_city_state];  his grandchildren,[grandchildren_list]; his great-grandchildren, [great_grandchildren_list]; his Siblings [brothers_list_w_spouse_city_state], [sisters_list_w_spouse_city_state].He is predeceased by his  [list_of_deceased_relationship_name] Visiting...

Bell Vega

Bell Vega

Was young when in kindergarten, than anyone else.

Tommy Bogges

Tommy Bogges

Tommy was born in Dallas and died in Hooterville at the age of 99 years old.

Funeral services will be 2 pm Sunday.

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